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AGIF Certificate in Greenkeeping

The New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI), has partnered with the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF) to develop and deliver the Certificate in Greenkeeping (CIG) programme – the first of its kind in Asia.

The AGIF has used NZSTI’s expertise to develop a programme that will improve the professional knowledge of greenkeeping staff and provide an educational framework for the golf greenkeeping industry in the region; the initiative is backed by The R&A.

Richard Walne, AGIF President, said: “The objective was to be able to offer an accessible, affordable and internationally recognised certification for superintendents. Thanks to the support of The R&A, we have succeeded in those objectives”.

Walne, who is also Toro’s Australia and Asia Pacific Managing Director, added: “The Certificate provides a much-needed education path for turfgrass professionals in Asia, which already exists in North America, the United Kingdom, and Europe, and Australia, and New Zealand”.

Steve Isaac, Director – Sustainability at The R&A, said: “The R&A has agreed to support the AGIF Certificate in Greenkeeping as part of our greenkeeper education programme. This is a positive development for the golf industry in Asia and we are excited at being involved with this initiative.”

The programme focuses on the core knowledge and skills required to operate safely and efficiently as a greenkeeper on a golf course, and in a way that protects the turf, prevents damage to the reputation of the course and improves productivity.

The CIG is a 12-month programme with five modules.

An initial five-day Introductory Course and Workplace Mentor Course delivered in the host country which includes modules:

  • 1. Golf Course Ecology and
  • 2. Lead Greenkeeping Staff.

 A five-day Progression Course occurs approximately four months later, again in the host country, focusing on the three other modules: 

  • 3. Sports Turf Surface Management; 
  • 4. Sports Turf Rootzone and Soil Water Management; 
  • 5. Pest, Weed, Disease and Disorders.

 Education continues through distance learning and concludes with a three-day Confirmation Course, which involves practical assessment and completion of the final exam.

 For further information, please contact Lindsay Robertson





MyGreenkeeper has been developed by the New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI) specifically for the needs Bowls New Zealand Greenkeepers Association (BNZGA).

 The programme is developed specifically for Bowls Greenkeepers, and aims to train and assess volunteers at regional bowling clubs in the technical skills required to maintain greens ready for play.

For the BNZGA this is a significant and strategic investment, intended to address the diminishing pool of professional bowls greenkeepers available to clubs, whilst also providing an exciting opportunity for club volunteers.

MyGreenkeeper is part of the NZSTI’s wider efforts to have comprehensive training solutions in place for each sector of our industry, and that probably hasn’t been the case for the Bowling community for quite some time.

A feature of MyGreenkeeper is the modular design coupled with specialist content, unlike other sports turf programmes which must cater for a wide range of sports surfaces each module of MyGreenkeeper is dedicated to a very specific set of skills on a bowling green, the outcome for any module is obvious, they include:

  • Mow and groom a bowling green
  • Irrigate a bowling green
  • Fertilise a bowling green
  • Repairs on a bowling green
  • Renovate a bowling green
  • Prepare a bowling green for play

The training involves a variety of practical tasks performed under supervision and mentoring by the BNZGA regional trainers.

MyGreenkeeper will equip volunteer greenkeepers with important skills to ensure the ongoing viability of many regional clubs, and especially their greens.

As well as introducing volunteers to the technical skills of greenkeeping, MyGreenkeeper will also contribute to clubs’ overall health and safety systems, wherein the past selected volunteers may have ‘helped out’ – there are now dedicated training steps to follow, and importantly for club administrators a formal record of each module achieved.

For the volunteers they are also recognised in their contributions to their club or regional facilities with certification for each module successfully completed.

 All the training, assessment and certifications resources are housed in a the dedicated MyGreenkeeper portal which provides a centralised hub for recording all training and assessment. Access is limited to the certified regional trainers and controlled by the Bowls New Zealand Greenkeepers Association executive.

Who do I contact?

If your club wants to nominate a volunteer for training, or want further information on the training direct your enquiry to the Bowls regional representatives, their contact information can be found here 








MyTurf Portal

The New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI), has partnered with New Zealand Golf, Golf Managers Association of New Zealand and the New Zealand Golf Course Superintendents Association to develop a comprehensive set of resources to assist New Zealand’s golf clubs to manage their Environmental Compliance responsibilities as they relate to various laws associated with land management.

The main aim of these laws is to protect the environment. They have been grouped into six main areas:

  • Agrichemical management
  • Fertiliser management
  • Irrigation management
  • Water systems management
  • Fuel management, and
  • Construction

All New Zealand golf courses can register and use the resources freely, to access the MyTurf portal follow this link